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An Acknowledgement from Marty Wingate

American author Marty Wingate came to SL rehearsals for Midsummer Nights Dream last year. She is popular in America and her potting shed mysteries involve murders in English country house gardens. Her latest - out on 6th November- is based on Company of outdoor Shakespearian players called Shakespeare au naturel (nude Shakespeare?). This section copied below is from the book Midsummer Mayhem's acknowledgements."In 2002, I visited Hazelbury Manor, not far from the village of Box in Wiltshire. There, I heard tell of a theater company that performed in the garden every summer. Last year, I was able to spend the day with that company - Shakespeare Live - as they rehearsed their 2017 summer production, which just happened to be A Midsummer Night's Dream (at their new home of Cleeve House, near Seend). I'm grateful to director Rod Moor-Bardell and the cast and crew for taking the time to talk with me that day. And needless to say (but I will anyway), Shakespeare au Naturel- my fictitious company in Midsummer Mayhem - is inspired by, but in no way based upon Shakespeare Live.

You can buy Marty's book 'Midsummer Mayhem: A Potting Shed Mystery' on Amazon

Jeremy Reece

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